Save time and money

Automated Processes
Import your current Inventory Linked to a Vendor Items
Takes seconds to post an invoice via Ai or Import Process.

Improve Accuracy
Guided drill down sections ID inventory issues
Alerts that show inventory items skipped and how many items are left.

Save Money
Track purchase history of items like produce that fluctuate over time
Globally track SKUs for Volume Based Discounts.

Audit and Security
Tag Expensive Items with high probability to be stolen
EI Item Change log with session time stamp to ID theft or padding
Return on Investment by using 9RMS
Prevent to save money
Track to save money
Nine Restaurant Management System
Digital Presentation Deck
We offer field and Senior Leadership in person training, video conferencing, or users can watch a directory of online videos
Launch DeckProgram Management
We love helping tailor this program to your specific needs and most enhancement are cost neutral. Let us know if you need a specif report, chart or analytical tool and we are happy to help.
Launch DeckSupport
We provide both 1st and 2nd level support including bug fixes, system monitoring and and can help you ID any issues to help you become more successful
Launch DeckVideos
For Any Assistance Required Please Reach Out.